Tales from

The Early Grave


You shouldn’t pick fights with people, but if you do you should probably not get killed so fast. Its kind of embarrassing for your family.

by | Mar 21, 2022 | Barrowmaze | 0 comments

You shouldn’t pick fights with people, but if you do you should probably not get killed so fast. Its kind of embarrassing for your family.

by | Mar 21, 2022 | Barrowmaze | 0 comments

Session Date: March 14, 2022
Creatures Encountered: Skeleton (8), Bandit (9), Mongrelmen (2), Ghast (2), Giant Rat (13)
Treasure: 5pp, 89gp, 48ep, 76sp, 109cp, 2 gold rings (68gp each), jeweled bracelet (631gp)
XP: 344xp each

We didn’t have Frankie cause he was feeling sick so he stayed up late drinkin’ lots of medicine at the pub to feel better.

It didn’t work.

So I did the rush in thing that Frankie normally does… I didn’t die or nothin.

Antony outsmarted the traps. Which they we real hot but I didn’t get burned none.

There were these other guys down there actin all sketchy wouldn’t come out and parlay or nothin.

people said a bunch of stuff I didn’t really understand and One of um got mad and threw a dagger at Casan.

Casan just tried to blast him a little, but well the other guy was real delicate and didn’t dodge or nothin so he died.

You shouldn’t pick fights with people, but if you do you should probably not get killed so fast. Its kind of embarrassing for your family.

Then we Fought more of them not undead guys… it didn’t go well for them.

And the Vikki GOT all big and shot a bunch of undead guys in the head. Bolts the size of my wrists straight to the fore head.

She so damn scary I almost wet my shell.

Then we got all surrounded again like on patrol but Juney dropped one of her cloud of daggers and turned the tide and we tossed um all in to the daggers for good measure.

We didn’t get rich or nothin but we found a couple cool things and mapped a bunch more of the Barrows.

Report by

Miguelle de Tortleatoni

Tortle Cleric
Old School RPGs - Available Now @ DriveThruRPG.com


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