A talking zombie…?

A talking zombie…?

Hear Yee, Hea Yee!!! Dark Magic is AFOOT! Hold on to your butts! Or bodies for that matter!!! Commin’ at ya, is ya boy Anthony AKA “Tony-the-Trouble-Shooter” Tortletoni with the latest report! We – the Tortletoni Family – was heading deep...


HEAR YEE, HEAR YEE!!!! I got the latest brief for YOUS from your good buddy Toni, AKA Toni-the-Tip-Teller AKA Toni-Big-Tip!!!! So what do I gots for yous, you might ask? What sorta baddies are lurking out there? Two words: EVIL FARIES My compatriots and I (who by this...
Something Frickin’ Wicked This Way Comes

Something Frickin’ Wicked This Way Comes

Hear ye, hear ye good people of Helix! This is your buddy Tony the Tool with a little update on the state of the Barrows etc. SOMETHING FRICKIN’ WICKED is down in the Barrows moving around like a dangerous wind. I don’t know if it’s a vampire, some...